Why I Picked this Film: Lets face it Bruce Willis is hot and the older he gets the sexier he becomes. I really just can't help myself. Plus I remember laughing during the previews and wanting to see more so I figured why not. Plus its a new-ish movie which is a nice change from some of the older films we've been reviewing.
Beeps: Welcome to easy cinema 101. This movie was a delightful romp, but should only be taken for what it is, an entertaining way to kill an hour and a half. Don't go looking for a serious flick here. The ensemble cast performs well together, and the story moves along pretty well. The characters almost seem to be stereotypes of themselves. Bruce Willis is the kind-hearted ass kicker, John Malkovich is absolutely nuts, Helen Mirren is classy and refined, and Morgan Freeman is quiet but well-spoken, very insightful. The pacing was excellent, and the story was pretty good too. Definitely worth a watch! 3 1/2 stars!
Apes: I really enjoyed it. It was lighthearted, funny, fast paced, well written, and a great popcorn flick. This film will not provide a life changing revelation, but it should provide some laughter, chuckles, and enjoyment. Let me also add that Bruce Willis is still just as sexy as ever! The special effects are good which is to be expected with a film with this much star power. I've never wanted to be kidnapped by a lonely older man so bad before in my life! I mean come on who doesn't love the old under dog raising some hell, smashing down walls, and kicking ass and taking names? Possibly a sequel coming in the future. I give this movie 3 1/2 stars for enjoyability and entertainment.
Overall we give it 3 1/2 stars!
~Beeps and Apes