Why we picked this film: We were left at the hands of movie bingo!
Beeps: I like this film, just as much, if not more than episode 4. It's a great continuation of the epic story. This one has one of the single greatest film shocker moments for anyone who has not seen it. As for the movie itself, it's very similar to episode 4, (Yes, Luke is still annoying and whiny). We get introduced to Yoda, as well as the Emperor in this episode. I feel so odd reviewing these films individually as it's such a wide sweeping story, but nonetheless this film is fantastic, if you've not seen it, what are you waiting for??? 4 Stars!
Apes: This is not my favorite movie... Yeah you get to meet my favorite character in this one and there is a really good surprise. I don't know why I'm just not as into this film as I am the others... MEH I give it 3 stars because it is still GOOD and because you have to watch it for the series to make sense.
Overall we give this film 3 1/2 stars
~Beeps and Apes