Why we picked this film: I let Beeps set up his surround sound system (an early birthday present) and we NEEDED to test it out using one of our new Blu-Rays... So I figured this was one of the best movies we owned to test this beast out!
Beeps: Ah 300. What's there not to love? A bearded Spartan maniac king leading his people to battle outnumbered 300 to 1,000,000+ That's the makings of an epic, but there's something lacking here. We're thrust into the heart of the story with only a glossing over of the Spartans, and young Leonidas. I'd have liked to seen more character development, so that I can become invested in the fates of these men. I will say that the film is extremely stylized, and that particular style doesn't do it 100% for me. It's alright, but it leaves the video quality a bit grainy. Would the movie still have the same charm that it does if it were filmed like Gladiator? It probably would, and so I think the style detracts overall from the movie itself. The story is solid, and the acting is fine, unfortunately the character development is lacking and so it doesn't have an overall epic feel to me. The action scenes are very good, and most often shown in slow motion for emphasis on the beauty of the Spartan war machine. I enjoy the film very much, and it is a great popcorn flick, and definitely worth purchasing. 4 Stars!
Apes: This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've seen this movie, and it is still truly amazing. The way it is filmed, scripted, and edited is nothing short of art. The movie is violent and graphic, but comes across as artistic and beautiful. The way the battle scenes are shot in almost a sepia hue with the only real color being the crimson of the Spartan colors and blood make what could be gruesome much more palatable. The fight scenes look like epic ball room dances. Every time I watch this I am moved by the beauty, the simplicity, the effortlessness, and the whole experience. Every part of this movie is well done. The cast, script, music, choreography, and editing are perfect. I give this movie 5 stars for not only being bad ass, but for being epicly moving and beautiful. (but don't forget bad ass!) I can see this staying in my collection for a very, very long time.
Overall we give this film 4 and 1/2 stars!
~Beeps and Apes
300 was a really good movie i love all those fights.